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Putty Application

Putty Application

Putty for painting is like using a special filler to fix bumps and holes on a surface before painting. It makes the surface smooth, so the paint looks nice. You apply the putty with a tool called a putty knife, let it dry, then sand it before painting. It’s an important step for a professional-looking paint job.

Water Proofing

Water Proofing

Water Proofing is like giving something a shield against water. It’s a way to make surfaces, like walls or roofs, stop water from getting in. It’s important because it helps prevent damage from leaks and keeps things dry. You can waterproof things using special coatings or materials that block water.

Interior Painting

Interior Painting

Interior Painting is when you give the inside of a house a fresh coat of paint. You prepare the walls, then use brushes or rollers to apply the paint. It’s an easy way to make a room look brand new!

Exterior Painting

Exterior Painting

Exterior Painting is about painting the outside of buildings. It’s like giving them a fresh look and protecting them from the weather. You use special outdoor paint and brushes or rollers. It’s important to clean the surface and fix any cracks or peeling paint before starting. It makes buildings look great and lasts longer.

Wall Tattoo

Wall Tattoo (Wall Decals)

Wall tattoos, or wall decals, are like big stickers you can put on your walls to decorate them. They come in all kinds of designs, from pictures to words. You just peel them off and stick them on the wall. They’re an easy way to add some personality to a room without painting or wallpapering.

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